Litigant Jailed for Fraudulent Witness Evidence
Judith Thompson 10-05-2018
The High Court has recently sentenced a litigant in a civil claim to 8 months in prison, after it was discovered that she had created and sought to use fake witness evidence to try and bolster her case. The litigant had used an innocent person’s identity to create the witness evidence, and had been dishonest to her own solicitor, who knew nothing of the fraud which had taken place.
Whilst she admitted her guilt, this was only after she had posted critical statements about the draft judgment online, which the court took a very dim view of.
The fact that a custodial sentence was imposed in this matter serves as a serious warning to any litigant (whether they are instructing a solicitor or not) who may be contemplating creating or embellishing witness evidence to support their case. The message from this recent case has to be that it is simply not worth the risk.
If you are struggling with a litigation matter and require assistance, Samuels Solicitors has decades of experience of handling many different types of cases.
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