Defamation on the Internet: a Growing Problem

Judith Thompson

There are around 38 million active social media accounts in the UK alone. The use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and others continues to grow. Whilst the vast majority of postings are friendly and good-natured, this is not always the case. Libel on the internet is an increasing problem.

What many users do not realise, is that what they say online is governed by the same laws as if they published something in a newspaper, or said something on the radio. A Facebook post or a Tweet, is a "publication" and if it is untrue, you could be sued. 

These are examples of internet libel cases we have dealt with recently:

  • A Facebook post accusing someone of being a paedophile;
  • Tweets accusing someone of theft and assault;
  • An online blog accusing someone of being a fraudster;
  • A comment on Tripadvisor accusing someone of providing poor professional advice;
  • An online blog accusing someone of being a paedophile; and
  • Tweets accusing someone of mistreating animals.

If you have been the victim of online libel, it can have devastating consequences for your life, particularly if a post is commented upon, or a tweet is retweeted widely. You may well be entitled to claim damages.

Defamation claims can be brought using no win no fee(conditional fee) arrangements, if you have a strong case. 

Contact us today for a free no obligation discussion about how we can help.