What do the new stamp duty rules mean for you?

Gillian Hibbard

Up to £5,000 Stamp Duty wiped off your costs? It’s like Santa has come early.

So if you’re a first time buyer, or want to be one, now is the time to get your offers on the table, and bag yourself a mortgage. These are heady times indeed, and you’re only a first time buyer once, after all.

In the last 12 months I don’t think I’ve helped a first time buyer who hasn’t had a big chunk of their purchase funds donated by their parents. In fact, I’ve also helped many people in their second and third purchase who are still relying on that initial gift from their parents.

And whilst the Stamp Duty gift won’t alleviate that need, it’s only up to £5,000 after all, but if you can save a few thousand pounds, courtesy of HM Government, it’s got to really tip the balance in your favour. It might even mean you can afford that slightly better property, or the one that needs a new kitchen. Or, dare I say it, borrow less from the folks’ pension pot?

If you want to know more about buying your first home, just pick up the phone. I’m here to talk you through it.

Contact Gillian Hibbard today for a free discussion about how she can help.