Specialist professional negligence solicitors

Jan Samuel

If you think that you have a claim against a professional, it is incredibly important to get the right advice at an early stage.

This might be because you need expert reports to be prepared before you can put problems right with the property. Alternatively, you may be close to limitation and need to act quickly.

If you are bringing a claim against a solicitor, it is very important that you have another professional acting for you. Otherwise, you could find that you do not recover the damages you are entitled to.

Samuels Solicitors been practising for over 25 years and has a niche specialism dealing with professional negligence claims. There is a specific protocol which needs to be followed for professional negligence claims, and we are able to assist you with every aspect of this.

Our senior partner, Mr Jan Samuel, has been a professional negligence specialist for many decades. His clients appreciate his no-nonsense practical approach to their claims, and he has recovered significant damages for many clients over the years.

If you would like to speak to a professional negligence specialist lawyer, contact us today for a free discussion.